There's nothing I like more than laughing, so I try to inject as much humor as possible into a room's decor. My husband and I also REALLY love animals. Hence the pair of funny bunnies over the couch. I love that they look a little judgmental .. like they don't approve of the fact that I am watching yet another episode of Jersey Shore (the bunnies are on the wall opposite our tv)... or maybe it is just the sheer quantity that I watch that raises their critical bunny eyebrows.
I also like to see what visitors to our condo think of the fact that we have a pair of giant black and white fluffy bunnies on canvas looming over our couch... most think they are funny or cute or interesting.. other people think they are a little weird. Which, of course, they are.
I do get a lot of inquiries as to where I picked up these fabulous fuzzy guys.
I got them at an AMAZING website called Gallery Direct which has hundreds of thousands of images, both fine art OR stock images (this is where they have a terrific selection of animal photos on a plain white background in the vein of the super talented photographer Andrew Zuckerman) available to be printed on canvas, paper, acrylic, aluminum, mirror or wood in quite a range of sizes.
I ordered extra large prints on canvas for my bunnies (as well as the mischievious pig in our soon to be occupied baby nursery).
The prices at Gallery Direct are incredibly affordable, especially when you order larger sizes and the quality and customer service are impeccable. This is a great resource for oversize art pieces that make a big impact on a room.
Just some of the super cute animal art available at Gallery Direct:

Elephant / Orangutan / Goldfish / Ostriches
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