One of my loveliest and dearest friends, Jill Conlin, is so sweet to share her fantastic and simple homemade organic baby food recipes on Harbor Love. Jill is a loving mother to an adorable seven month old cutie pie of a baby girl named Cassidy, who, judging from these recipes below, gets to eat like baby royalty. I can't wait to try these recipes out on Lucy a few months down the road!
Jill Says:
Before Cassidy came into my world, I registered for all sorts of ridiculous things. Among them, a fancy baby food maker and recipe book, for the endless hours I imagined would be spent making her nutritious, wholesome baby food.
Now, only 7 short months later, I have returned the fancy baby food maker, and have found that the availability of organic food packets, made by brands like Sprout, Plum Organics and Ella's Kitchen, make it easy to give her quick and nutritious meals.
However, when I am feeling ambitious, I find that these simple recipes coupled with my trusty blender, are just as easy:
Apples and Oatmeal:

Wash the apples and cut into quarters. Place apples in pot with just a little bit of water (not enough to cover apples). Bring to a boil and cook until applese are tender. Remove apples from pot and let cool. After they cool, remove the apples from their skin and use potato masher or blender to create desired consistency- Add a little water if necessary. Prepare oatmeal according to box instructions- I like Earth's Best Organic. Add the two together and serve with a little cinnamon.
Bananas and Blueberries:

Use frozen bag of organic blueberries (Cascadian Farms are a favorite of mine), and thaw completely. Place berries directly into blender and blend until smooth. Remove berries and run through strainer to remove any excess berry skin. Put strained blueberries back into the blender along with a cut-up, very ripe banana. Blend to desired consistency and serve.
Pears and Peas:

Cook pears according to apple instructions. Remove skin and blend when cooled. Take frozen organic peas (or fresh peas) and thaw completely. Add directly to blender with pear chunks and blend. Use water as needed to reach desired consistency.
All of these recipes freeze very well, so make a lot at once and freeze! I like Green Sprouts Baby Food Glass Storage Cubes and the BEABA multiportions for freezing.

A Helpful Link: The EWG puts out a 'dirty dozen' list of produce that are best bought organic:

Happy Eating, Little Ones!
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